Well okay, significantly, god gave me the ability to move on and forget about things. I will now look forward and never dwell in the past. EVER.
Well today the 29th(damn, my blog clock is rosak.), went to Luqmans's gig. He's the keyboardist for the band 'ANNA JUDGE APRIL'. Listen to thir musics, support local talents. www.myspace.com/annajudgeapril.
So, woke up at 1pm. And boy, thats kinda early sia for my wakey-wakey time. Planned to meet the others at 4.30pm at Khatib MRT. So after unsuccessful attempts to tido balik, I reluctantly woke up and went to the living room. Switched on the t.v and Spongebob entertained me for like 30 minutes. After that, my dad told me to vacuum the house and mop. Bleargh..Blom mandi sia. So yala, did the chores and was sweating like siao already..
The weather damn HUMID la sia.
By the time, it was already 2.30. Still got 2 more hours to spare. Switched on the computer, chatted with Nadia for awhile and then played CS. Play like a chinese geek sampai tak teringat masa seh. Sup! sup! dah pukul 3.45. Grabbed the newpaper, a cigarette and pegi toilet.
Pegi toilet bikin apa?..Famous ANUS brownies. And mandi sekali.
Kluar toilet, time check, 4.30 liao..Kelam kabut siap2 and checked hphone.
"Where r you? I reach alrdy noe"
Wahpiangoi..Si minahrep sudah sampai kat youthpark. Padahal dah kata, I would be reaching there at around 6 the day before. KIASU SIA JERRY.
I bet she is always first in line during the Hello Kitty thingy or one of those people who rushes into the MRT and run for an empty seat like one hysterical maniac.
Being a kindsoul I am, I made an extra effort to cepat2 siap and meet the rest. Dah jumpe semuer, blablabla, sampai jugak kat somerset. Dah sampai sana, si minahrep tu plak takde. Pegi cineleisure. Apedahhh..-.-"..Saw Luqman and his bandmates, and did the routine handshakes, even to those I don't even know their name. Smiled at them but they never smile back.
Wahpiang! Kerek ah ni budak2 SCENEKIDS. Sekali aku bagiiii kannnn~...
Anyways, got to find out AJA performing at 7pm. WTH!..So we settled for a table at the kopitiam nearby. Ordered this mee soto which costs 4.50?
So MAHAL and so TAK SEDAP. Tak pedas summore. Wat the neraka sia..Takpe, asalkan kenyang.
Tiba-tiba, that Minahrep and her angkaliao appeared out of nowhere. Ahahaha. Suruh senyum tanak senyum. Weapons pon tak bawak..apela..And right after I was digging into my food, she went off to Powerhouse. So yeah, blablabla..AJA's performance started.
They were AWESOME I tell ya..Bloody hell, but somehow or rather, I prefer them on the speakers of my computer/earpiece or whatever machines you guys listen to. After their performance, Luqman joined us for pool at cineleisure. Played pool for less than an hour tetap must pay the hour rate. WTF!..
Patah balik to Youth park and watched Plain Sunset. I don't udnerstand why alot of people like P.S..I mean, their music too much psychedelic la..And even the up-tempo ones are like common. Maybe it's just me, exposed too much to different ranges of music until I can't settle for the right one. So whatever la. I still got to see Plain Sunset live.
'Yayyyyy' -.-"
Here are the pics for today.
Luqman(left) and his band's bassist, Ashruff. Don't ask me why his face like dat.
Luqman the REAL gay!
Gang Sakalaukalau one. Chong pakai pink.
Yes, yes, Pout those lips like a naughty bitch!

Luqman, Me and a guy with a hat at the back. Just kidding, thats Khuswandy. Want his number? ;)

Me and Kuzzoman. He makes Bass playing seems so easy.

Yes, Sue Singapore Press Holdings for their bad censorship!
Overall, it was a moderately great day. Nothing much happened. Enjoyed myself at Youthpark and yeah. By the way, nice meeting you Jerry/Anisah/Minahrep/Jane and thanks Luqman for the brownies. Thanks everyone who made my day. And fuck that bitch who almost ruined my day with such a SMS for no rhyme or reason.
"Eh, I can get a better guy than you if I want to la. You think you're so special?"
Wat the hell. I just hope karma will turn around and bite you.
How I wish I could just blurt out all my feelings and make you feel how you make me feel all this while.
Anyways, I will end this post with a picture of a SHAVED PUSSY. Yeah, that definitely sends tingles through your spine and make you guys especially HORNY ah..Scroll down for it yaww..
Oh yeah baby, You make me horny.
