Sometimes I feel like a lost child in a shopping centre when I see families having fun together. The parents of the family clasping each other's hand tightly while watching their children playing around. A simple peck on the cheek and a playful hug that happens randomly. How I wish my family was like that. Or should I say, how I wish my parrents was like that.
Have you ever saw an old couple that still walks together and hold each other's arm tightly. When one of them almost slip, they would have a good laugh about it later on. Eventhough age caught up to them, they still make full use of the time they still have to love each other. This simple incident really is sweet and proves that love do exists.
But it's not the same case for my family now.
It's been a long time since we had dinner together. It's been a long time since we all sat together at the living room and watch the television together. It's been a long time since I felt the warmth of a family or see a simple intimate moment between you two. Nowadays, the house is so quiet. Only the sounds emitted from the computer or television fills the house. Conversations are short-lived in this house. Everyone is minding their own business and weirdly, I have come to adapt to this cold environment. Maybe it's already fated for my family to break apart. Countless attempts to save the family were futile. Hari Raya celebration this year will be weird and I am not looking forward to it. We won't be able to break our first day of fasting together again. Never able to wake up during the first day of Hari Raya, all smiles and optimistic about the day.
This is life. Sometimes we get our happiness robbed away from us. We can't expect everything to go our way. If this is for the best, then so be it. Life is unfair, and all we can do is to adapt quickly and improvise. It may take time, but it will eventually heal all pains right?
I hope I am right.