And indeed it does. We tend to be reckless and uncareful nowadays. We follow our feelings and take regretful actions that really wretch the heart. No point crying over spilled milk nor regretting about your actions, because nothing can turn back the hands of time. It's too late to apologize and win that someone over. Now, all we can do is to hope for the better for that individual.
She has moved on. She found serenity and love in someone else. Someone who would be there to catch her teardrops and console her in times of need. Someone who would love her as much or even more than how I used to love her. Please forget all about me. Don't tell me that I will always have a place in your beautiful heart. I don't belong nor deserve to be dwelling there. You deserve someone better. I hope he would always be by your side and would not treat you as badly as how I did. I should have spared a thought for your feelings before, but I was too selfish and blind to do so. You were my everything. Your generous heart, your flawless beauty, your child-like cuteness, your unforgettable smile, your soothing voice and how you drew me into your world. We shared your world and everything seems perfect. We could sit all day long and hug so tightly and never want to let go.
How I wish there would still be hope for me in this game called love. The deceptive game which tricked countless of innocent souls to throw their dice of fate and try to manage the outcome. May it be bad or good, we are all still naive and gullible to play this game. Even after a loss, we still throw our fate blindly. It seems as if we never learn our lesson. But love has a weird way to entice you back to it's game. Face it, we are all too naive.
Love should be serene. Something which we all should embrace whole heartedly and never have second thoughts about it. If you still have someone lingering on your mind yet another by your side, do forget the imaginary one. The one who is willing to wait for you should never be neglected. If you keep on thinking about that individual, then evaluate the situation. Is he really worth thinking about? What about him that makes you think of him/her?
He has broke your heart once, are you willing to let him do that again? Move on, be merry. You have someone by you already. It would not be unfair for him either. Let's just leave things as that. Imagine I never exist in your life. I am just a fading memory which you would replace with new ones. Do not give in to your feelings easily either. I am not worth your thoughts and tears. You teared more than enough times for me already. I do not want to do that again. I'm sorry. Move on and realise the grass is always greener on the other side.