Alright, I'll update for the sake of updating. Since I'm running out of topics to write about, let me show you abit of what I'm learning in this course. Biomedical Engineering.
Today we had Biomodelling lesson. In this lesson, we have to design a certain device by using a programme which is super complicated. I have no idea what the hell we are designing. This certain piece have alot of holes, here and there.
It just got screwed.
Luckily I did not skip this lesson or else I would miss out alot. We had to do drafting now. Had to convert the 3D image of the structure to a 2D image with all the constraints and measurements accurately. It was very frustrating especially when you realise your 3D image do not have the same measurement as of the device itself. In this case, we had to go back to the drawing block. Even if you're short of 0.001mm in length, width, breadth or depth, you have to restart. Imagine the amount of hair which starts to fall off from my head. -.-"
"I feel like killing someone now"
"Wah! Kaninaya! Must redo sia!!"
"Teacher, why make us go through such mental hardship?"
"Sibeisong! Ni de lampa hentuo mao! Ci.."
That's only a few grunts and whines which echoed through the computer lab just now. Everyone had their 'Ifeellikestabbingthecomputerrightnow' face. Especially Jonathan, this Chinese dude beside me. Thanks to him, I managed to expand my range of Hokkien/Chinese/Cantonese vulgarities. =D
After 3 hours of swearing, whining, slamming the mouse, pulling our own hair and complaining, we managed to complete both our assignment. Yes both. As in only 2 of it which managed to keep us occupied for 3 whole hours!
I know it looks simple and it makes me look stupid because I need 3 hours to complete this, but believe me, it's harder than it looks! But overall, it's quite fun when you get the hang of it. The teacher could finish the whole thing in only a few minutes. WOW!
Thats how Chinamen look when they just got up from sleep right Syaf?
Wait till I see your version of a Chinawoman whom just woke up from a good night sleep! :P
Till then!