Time now is 12:09am, according to my computer clock. So in theory, I will hafta blog about yesterday. Basically, yesterday was a very very tiring day for me. Slept at around 5.30am the previous day and had to wake up at 7.30am to attend a soccer tournament held at the street soccer court near 888 plaza.
It was an open category and obviously, the reception was overwhelming. We were split into 4 groups of 5 and the top team from each group will qualify for the semi-finals. My team, for whatever reason named 'Jiggyjig' was in Group B. The competition was fierce as we recognise alot of familiar faces. Some are from Prime League or Clubs. Yet, we managed to bulldozed our way through the group stages with 4 wins and 9 goals in the pocket. This is where the exciting part starts.
The 4 teams that qualified for the semi-finals were 'Team Raver', 'The Gecks', 'John Stokin' and 'Jiggyjig'. We had to face the Stokin team to qualify for the finals. Unfortunately, we had to settle for either the 3rd or 4th position. With that aside, the other match was really heated up. After our match ended, we decided to watch the other match between 'The Gecks' and 'Team Raver'.
Suddenly a supporter from Team Raver came hollering towards a substitute player of The Gecks. Thats where things got more and more intense. Everyone crowded around to gawk. What I was told, the substitute player hurled vulgarities at one of Team Raver's player and that upset that poor old sensitive supporter. He even accused the referee for being a 'kayu' and biased towards the other team. I think he looked abit like this guy when he had that heated argument.

With all those intensity and such, the match turned into a brawl. Team Raver's player became more aggresive and took every chance they had to have a go at their opposition. They kicked and elbowed whoever they feel deserved it.
As frustration grew, one of Team Raver's player had a heated argument with one of the opposition's player and slapped his face. It was uncalled for, and he immediately was sent off. It was an act of immaturity and no sportmanship. His team was losing by the way. Ultimately, Team Raver lost and they threw their tantrums at the officials. Even the ladies who were organising the events. They cursed and swear and accused the officials to be biased. They complained and whined and tried to do anything to make the officials turn their decision. zit think they made this face when they were complaining.

But obviously, the officials did not do so. Everyone has noted their temperemental and unprofessional ways to handle things, thus was firm with their decision.
And so, WE, 'Jiggyjig' had to face this 'Team Raver' for the 3rd and 4th placing. Unsurprisingly, our oppositions were being unprofessional again. They used dirty methods to win the ball and tripeed us purposedly. They shouted at us and threaten us with the thought that we were intimidated. We stood our ground and did not lower ourselves to their barbaric standards. We played with sportmanship and professionalism, and even with their dirty methods and all those nonsense, we settled for a draw and a 'SUDDENDEATH PENALTY SHOOTOUT' was decided to be the tiebreaker.
My team mates were too pressurized to take the spotkick. It was a 2 touch penalty, so it was abit tricky. They finally convinced me to take up the spotkick which I at first was abit nervous to do so. But everyone wanted this team to lose, so it made me feel abit of like a hero, so yeah, it kind of motivate me to score the winner. Plus I was pissed off with their unprofessionalism and how they taunted us and applied their dirty methods on us.
So there I go, pushing the ball off the halfline with the sole of my feet and whined up for the kick. With all those pissed-off-feeling and the face of the goalkeeper makes me more pissed, I whacked the ball as hard as I could right infront of that fucker. I could see him close his eyes and waved his hands blindly, as though trying to save the ball. After the kick and the adrenaline rush, everyone was cheering and shouting 'GOALLLLLLL!!!!'.
But it was not over yet. Now it's their turn to take the spotkick. I was the keeper and I really wanted to get the 3rd placing. We had come so far to go home emptyhanded. So right after that same fucker who closed his eyes took his first touch, I quickly came off the line to cover all angles. I stood with my arms spread out wide and knees bent. I could see the intensity on his face to whack the ball as hard as how I whacked it past him a few seconds ago, but somehow or rather, I managed to parry the ball away! The feeling was fucking exhilirating!
And we celebrated like monkeys or should I say, celebrated as if we won the first prize. We added salt to their wounds by dancing around them while everyone jeered at them.
"Balik kampung sua!"
"Takleh kene sikit, gi main golf ah sial!"
"Perangai fanatic sia! Gi mampos ah korang!"
And theyr really did went home. They didnt stay for the award ceremony. Eventually, 'The Gecks' were crowned the champion. Congrats!
I tell you, it was fucking great. And with that, I will post up the pictures taken earlier during the tournament.
P.S- Everyone turned into banglas because of the sunny sunny hot weather!
Till then. Tomoro schooling! wahhh!