He never fail to listen to her complaints. He always been there whenever shes bored, trying his best to carve a smile on that flawless face. Whatever she thought of him may be wrong, he's just putting up a front. If only she could see the real him. The feeling burning deep in his heart, brimming to escape and let her feel the warmth of it. Yet at the same time, he's just being a jester, her court jester, only able to entertain and leave when his 'job' is done.
He understands she had her fair share of heart break. So did him. They're basically on the same boat, but she never seem to notice the time he stares at her and dwell in his thoughts. His illusions that never seem to be able to happen. All he could do was wish and carry her on. Be by her side and provide comfort only as a normal companion. Whenever they converse, his mind lingers elsewhere but his eyes are fixed onto hers. Her imperfections seems impeccable to him. The way her eyes sparkle and her red lips which move gracefully with every words she speaks.
Whenever she ask for his opinions about her appearance, he wish he could say she was too beautiful to be true. Yet, he makes fun of her to hide this feeling. To prevent her from knowing what he really thought. His heart aches everytime he decided to stop his confession.
Those feelings which he buried deep and not sure whether he should have second thoughts about letting it out.
When she has another, all he could do was smile. Fake a smile and be happy for her. Hoping that someone would treat her right. Treat her the way he would treat her. His heart crumbles slowly, but he pick them up slowly, piece by piece just to be able to hope again. Hope she would one day realise he had been waiting for someone like her his whole life. Maybe he's not noticeable enough for her.
He's just too afraid. Too afriad to scare her off. Too afraid to lose everything eventhough what he once had was just little. All he could do now is perch by the window and chirp for her and fly off when she's back to her depressed self, only to come back when he needs to.
How he wish he could be her chivalry. The one to sweep her off her feet. He may have nothing, but he has alot to give. What he went through was almost the same as what she went through, and this makes him want to care and never to break her smile. All he want to do is to make her happy. So happy, that she will finally let go of her past. So happy, that she could start afresh with him.
Unfortunately, her past grips her with such pain. Whenever she thinks about it, it breaks her heart. All he did was to help her back on her feet, but she falls down again just by the thought of her past. Yet, he never stop picking her up again and again. Its just shades of grey of what he would do for her.
All he could do now is just wish and hope. Hope for something which no one thinks is possible. Wish for something thats beyond fairytale. If only he had the guts to say. Everything he feels are just six feet deep. Only if she would help him express his true feelings for her, and they would not only share laughters.
But, maybe it wasn't meant to be. Maybe they're meant to be just as they are right now.